Douglas Mills Jr. is a Texas-born singer.

Mills was claimed to have been mocked and bullied his entire childhood for being unusual.

He originally came to public attention when his audition for the TV reality program went viral.

His performance captivated the judges’ hearts gaining him immense fame overnight.

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Douglas Mills Jr. Biography; Age, birthday, nationality, education

Douglas is an American believed to be around 18 to 25 years old.

He has been to one of the best schools hence is a well educated young man.

Douglas Mills Jr. parents and siblings

Douglas’ parents are yet to be documented.

They re however proud of how far he is come as a child celebrity.

He has siblings who support or envision his dreams.

Is Douglas Mills Jr. dating?

Miller is not dating or seeing anybody now.

He is fully focused on his craft and future exploits in the future.

Douglas Mills Jr. Instagram and Twitter

Douglas Mills Jr. is currently not on Instagram or Twitter but has his videos scattered on both platforms.

He is expected to create one soon now that he is gaining a massive following.
