Jailed for 40 years, the two teenage boys who executed a 'trusting' classmate so they could see what it was like to kill



Two students murdered a classmate in a execution-style shooting because they wanted to know what it was like to kill.

Charles Southern and Connor Pridgen took it in turns to shoot defenceless Makia Coney in the head after luring her away from school in Jacksonville, Florida.

Prosecutors said the 17-year-old's killed the teenager for nothing more than 'sport'.

After being arrested both Southern and Pridgen told detectives they had carried out the murder as they wanted to known what it was like to kill someone.

Connor Pridgen Charles Southern

'Kill for kicks': Connor Pridgen, left, and Charles Southern, right, have both been jailed for 40 years after they confessed to shooting a classmate in the head so they could see what it was like to kill

'Trusting': Victim Makia Coney, who was 17 when she died

'Trusting': Victim Makia Coney, who was 17 when she died

The 'kill for kicks' plot shocked prosecutors as both boys involved had no criminal record or provocation to carry out the crime.

The pair had hatched their plot while sitting in a geometry class at their school last February.

As they left class they bumped into petite Makia and persuaded her to join them as they walked into some woods near their Christian school.

Southern shot Makia in the back of the head  before Pridgen took the gun, a .44 magnum, and shot her in the face at point-blank range.

Less than 30 minutes after the murder they were caught on school CCTV cameras laughing and joking as they walked down a hallway.

After their arrest the teens said they had been planning to commit armed robberies and wanted to know what it would be like to have to shoot someone.

They said they had chosen Makia as their victim as she had trusted them and went willingly when they left school.

Both boys, who came from respectable, middle class families and had unblemished records at school, pleaded guilty to second degree murder.

Prosecutor Mark Caliel said the teens had planned the 'evil' murder and did not deserve any mercy from the court.

Tragedy: The Jacksonville, Florida school where the three students attended and where Pridgen and Southern hatched their evil plan while sitting in a geometry class

Tragedy: The Jacksonville, Florida school where the three students attended and where Pridgen and Southern hatched their evil plan while sitting in a geometry class

'This wasn't a bad decision, this was an evil act,' Caliel said. 

'She trusted them and they murdered her to see what if felt like. They don't deserve the mercy of this court.'

The murdered girl's family read out an emotional impact statement before the judge passed sentence.

'You not only killed her just to see how it felt but you also left my sister to... die alone,' Beatrice Coney,  16, told the killers.

'God requires us to forgive, but I will never forget what you did to my sister.'

The teenagers also read out statements in which they apologised to the family.

Judge Elizabeth Senterfitt jailed the pair for the maximum 40 years with no chance of parole.

She told them: 'You both conceived this evil plan, and then you carried it out together.

'There was no provocation. You guys certainly weren’t bullied. You weren’t outcasts by any stretch of the imagination. You were the football players, the jocks.

'You acknowledged that Makia was just an easy target, because she trusted you.

'You laughed, you joked with your classmate... And then Mr Southern, you took out your gun, standing a little behind Makia - she didn't know it was coming, at least the way you describe it  - and shot her in the cheek. 

'Mr Pridgen, you finished her off and ensured that the family could not have a funeral with a viewing.'
