On Sept. 16, the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut sued a trio of state troopers caught making up fake charges against a protester with whom they had a run-in.

According to the ACLU, Trooper First Class John Barone confiscated protester Michael Picard’s camera. The officer claimed the man did not have a right to film him.

However, Picard insisted he could because he was on public property.

Picard recorded a protest near the police DUI checkpoint in West Hartford, Connecticut Sept. 11, 2015.

But the officer approached him and snatched his camera away.

In the clip above, the officer did not realize the camera was still rolling.

Barone gets inside of his vehicle and chats with other officers.

The damning footage reveals Barone, Master Sergeant Patrick Torneo and Sergeant John Jacobi conjuring up a story to cover their tracks and create false charges.
