Marie Rizzo Obituary News: Atlanta, Georgia Woman Marie Rizzo is Dead, Cause of Death
Marie Rizzo Obituary: Marie Rizzo of Atlanta, Georgia, has passed away. Her loved ones are mourning and grieving following the news of her passing. Shana Marie Taylor of Taunton, Massachusetts, wrote in a social media tribute that was shared on Facebook, where she wrote:
“There wasn’t a me without you or a you without me. I loved you then, I love you now and I will always, always love you. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I will forever associate Ice 101 with you, kissing at stop signs, breaking shit in empty fields, fighting with your mom, and then hugging it out. My white Audi was swimming with Pey, causing fucking chaos anywhere we went. Living in the Penske, taking the clearance sign out at McDonald’s drive-through, and sleeping at Jimmy’s grave with me. My life will never be the same without you. I love you. I love you. I love you. RIP, my girl.”
At the time of publication, the family has not provided a cause of death. Marie Rizzo Obituary and funeral plans will be released by the family.