One theme of Doris Lessing’s short story, “Through the Tunnel,” is that growing up is a difficult and sometimes painful process. We see Jerry mature throughout the story, at first nagging and pestering his mother for goggles and later being able to delay gratification for the things he wants.Click to see full answer. In this regard, what do you think is the main message or theme of this story through the tunnel?In Through the Tunnel by Doris Lessing we have the theme of connection, isolation, determination, failure, independence, conflict and coming of age. Narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator the reader realises after reading the story that Lessing may be exploring the theme of connection.One may also ask, what does the tunnel symbolize in through the tunnel? Expert Answers info Jerry’s swim through the tunnel symbolizes a rite of passage from boyhood to young manhood. A coming-of-age story, Doris Lessing’s “Through the Tunnel” uses symbols to represent Jerry’s state of being and his rite of passage. People also ask, what is the setting in through the tunnel? The setting of Through the Tunnel, by Doris Lessing, is a beach on the coast. The beach is most likely in a foreign country based on the fact that the boys he meet are a different color than Jerry. The most important part of the setting, the tunnel, reflects the atmosphere of the story.What point of view is through the tunnel?It’s written in third person limited point of view. The narrator describes the thoughts and feelings of Jerry and his mother, but we don’t know the thoughts and feelings of any of the other characters. Telling the story from the point of view of the white tourists emphasizes the gap between Jerry and the local boys.
